The Cav's Offense Has Serious Problems...


    The Cavs offense has been a problem this year. Hot shooting masked the problem to start the year but their weaknesses have been exposed. Today I will go over the shortcomings of Cleveland's offense and what they can do to fix them.


The Cavs made just 4 threes in a NBA game… in 2021. There is a serious lack of spacing on this team from a roster and X’s and O’s standpoint. 

We have a center that cannot shoot outside the paint on the court at all times. Combine that with Okoro who is a slightly below average 3 point shooter at this point on the wing and spacing becomes hard to come by. This hurts the ability of Garland and Sexton to create quality shots and it results in the ball being dumped down to Drummond to inevitably put up a double teamed layup.

How can the Cavs fix this lack of shooting from multiple problems? GO SMALL BALL! I get it you might be hesitant to trade the size advantage this team has but when you have a glaring problem it takes creative fixes. Another solution is to play Dylan Windler more. He has been such a good role player this season. Giving effort on defense, on the boards and playing quality team ball on offense.

Lack of Shot Creators

Another roster problem with this team is the limited number of people who can consistently create open shots. Garland and Sexton are the only consistent playmakers on the team. Dotson can make some plays on occasion but is quite streaky. We seem lost whenever it is not in the hands of one of them.

There is really no way of fixing this outside of overpaying in a trade for someone who can contribute in this way. This weakness is more likely something that will need to be addressed in the upcoming draft and or free agency.


The Cavs have well established weaknesses that are going to hold them back from a serious playoff push. Changes are needed, and they are needed fast. You cannot repeat the same thing and expect different results.
